
Active eCommerce CMS Multi Vendor Script

Original price was: ₹9,999.0.Current price is: ₹2,499.0.



  • 30 days easy replacement
  • Users can instantly download the script after making payment.
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  1. Hosting Environment
    • A reliable hosting server (shared, VPS, or dedicated) that supports PHP and MySQL.
  2. Server Requirements
    • PHP Version: PHP 7.4 or higher.
    • Database: MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB.
    • Composer: Required for Laravel dependencies.
    • Web Server: Apache or NGINX recommended.
    • Extensions:
      • OpenSSL
      • PDO
      • Mbstring
      • Tokenizer
      • XML
      • GD
      • cURL
      • Fileinfo
      • BCMath
      • Zip
  3. Domain and SSL Certificate
    • A domain name pointing to your hosting.
    • SSL certificate (recommended for secure transactions).
  4. Tools for Upload
    • FTP client (like FileZilla) or hosting file manager for uploading files.

Installation Steps

1. Download Active eCommerce CMS

  • Obtain the script from the official website or marketplace (e.g., CodeCanyon).

2. Upload Files

  • Unzip the downloaded file.
  • Upload the contents to your hosting’s public_html folder or the desired directory.

3. Create a Database

  • Log in to your hosting control panel.
  • Open MySQL Database Wizard or phpMyAdmin:
    • Create a new database.
    • Create a database user and assign it to the database with full privileges.

4. Edit the .env File

  • Locate the .env file in the project directory.
  • Update the database details:envCopy codeDB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=your_database_name DB_USERNAME=your_database_user DB_PASSWORD=your_database_password

5. Run Installation Script

  • Access the installation wizard by visiting your domain in a browser.
  • Example:
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions:
    • Enter your database details.
    • Configure your website settings (name, email, logo, etc.).
    • Set up the admin account.

6. Run Composer Commands (Optional)

If required by your script version:

  • SSH into your server and navigate to the project folder.
  • Run the command:bashCopy codecomposer install

7. Set Permissions

  • Ensure the following directories are writable:
    • storage/
    • bootstrap/cache/

Use the command:

bashCopy codechmod -R 775 storage bootstrap/cache

8. Upload SQL File

  • Import the provided SQL file into the created database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.

9. Configure Payment Gateways

  • Log in to the admin panel and set up payment gateways in the settings section.

Post-Installation Steps

  1. Set Up Cron Jobs
    • Use the control panel to add cron jobs for periodic tasks.
    • Example command:bashCopy code* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
  2. Enable SSL
    • Use tools like Let’s Encrypt or purchase an SSL certificate for secure HTTPS access.
  3. Customize Your Platform
    • Add your branding, configure product categories, and set up seller/vendor accounts.
  4. Test Your Platform
    • Test every aspect, including payments, product uploads, and user registrations.


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